Friday, November 14, 2014

 St. Peter's gazette is out.  150 copies will be delivered today.

Tomorrow Saturday November 15 is Portico Street Festival, we are so excited and happy that you are attending.

¡hasta pronto vecinos!

Monday, November 10, 2014

¡Hola vecinos de todo Laredo!

We are happy to invite you to our annual Portico Street Festival happening this Saturday November 15 of 2014.

Event for the whole family to enjoy!

see you there Laredo, our barrio is your barrio.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

¡Hola Vecinos!

we are happy to announce our October event, please share with friends and family.

Don't forget to bring your sleeping bag or tent and your favorite snacks.

St. Peter's Monthly for October is cooking, no rushing allowed.

Have a great one neighbors.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

New website and St. Peter's Monthly

Hi Laredo and neighbors, we welcome you to our new website. It will be updated frequently with news from the St. Peter's Historic Neighborhood Association (SPHNA) and will include events in our area as well as other important information. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to like us on Facebook --->

With great joy we announce the creation St. Peter's Monthly, a gazette that gives you the latest information from the SPHNA along with other interesting and fun articles. The gazette will be distributed door to door in St. Peter's and you can read it online by visiting this website every 17th of the month. If you wish to have a copy of the gazette, there will be copies available at our message board at the south end of St. Peter's plaza. To receive a copy in your email every month, please subscribe here email gazette signup form

We hope you enjoy our updates, attend our events and be part of old Laredo.

¡nuestra casa es tu casa!

(click on image above to enlarge)